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Pension changes

Pension changes

In his March Budget, the Chancellor announced a number of changes to the pension tax rules, including an increase in the annual allowance and the abolition of the lifetime allowance. Annual allowance The annual allowance places a cap on tax-relieved pension savings. Individuals can obtain tax relief on contributions to a registered pension scheme of … Read more

Increasing the normal minimum pension age

Pension age

The normal minimum pension age (NMPA) is the age at which most pension savers can access their pensions without incurring an unauthorised pension charge (unless they take their pension earlier due to ill-health). Registered pension scheme cannot normally pay any benefits to members until they reach the NMPA (except in the case of ill-health). Registered … Read more

Using SIPP to save for retirement

Using SIPP to save for retirement

A SIPP is a self-invested personal pension which is set up by an insurance company or specialist SIPP provider. It is attractive to those who wish to manage their own investments. Contribution to a SIPP may be made by both the individual and, where appropriate, by the individual’s employer. Investments The range of potential investment … Read more