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Claim the Employment Allowance for 2023/24

claiming employment allowance

The Employment Allowance is an allowance that eligible employers can claim to set against their secondary (employer’s) Class 1 National Insurance liability. The employment allowance is set at £5,000 for 2023/24, capped at the employer’s secondary Class 1 National Insurance for the year where this is less. It is not given automatically and must be … Read more

How do Class 4 National Insurance contributions work?

class 4 NIC

The self-employed pay two classes of National Insurance contributions – Class 2 and Class 4. Class 2 contributions are weekly flat-rate contributions which provide the mechanism by which the self-employed build up their entitlement to the state pension and certain contributory benefits. By contrast, Class 4 contributions are based on profits from the self-employment and … Read more