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Reporting expenses and benefits for 2018/19

HMRC - P11D form

Where employees were provided with taxable benefits and expenses in 2018/19, these must be notified to HMRC. The reporting requirements depend on whether the benefits were pay-rolled or not. Benefits not pay-rolled Taxable benefits that were not pay-rolled in 2018/19 must be reported to HMRC on form P11D. There is no need to include benefits … Read more

Amending Your Tax Return

Changing your tax return

The deadline for filing the 2017/18 self-assessment tax return of 31 January 2019 has now passed. You filed your return on time and paid the tax that you thought was due, but you know realise that you have made a mistake. Is it too late to correct it, and if not, how do you go … Read more

Good Business Records

Keeping good business records

Keeping complete and accurate business records is vital to ensure that you pay the correct amount of tax and file correct tax returns with HMRC. This applies regardless of whether you are running a business as a sole trader or in partnership or operating a limited company. Business records for the self-employed The self-employed need … Read more

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