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Reporting expenses and benefits for 2019/20

Reporting expenses and benefits

Employers who provided taxable expenses and benefits to employees in 2019/20 need to tell HMRC about them by 6 July 2020, if they have not opted to tax them via the payroll. Non-payrolled taxable expenses and benefits are reported to HMRC on form P11D. Employers must also file a P11D(b) by the same date. This … Read more

Incidental overnight expenses

Incidental overnight expenses

A tax exemption enables an employer to meet small personal expenses when an employee stays away from home for work, without the employee suffering a tax charge and without any need to report the expenses to HMRC. What are incidental overnight expenses? Incidental overnight expenses are personal (i.e. non-business) expenses incurred when an employee travels … Read more

Can we deduct entertaining expenses?

Can you deduct entertaining expenses?

The tax rules on the deductibility of entertaining expenses are harsh and often misunderstood – the fact that the expenditure is incurred for business purposes does not make it deductible. Subject to certain limited exceptions, no deduction is allowed for business entertaining and gifts in calculating taxable profits. What counts as business entertainment? Business entertainment … Read more

Are you eligible to get the tax benefits of a pool car?

low emission vehicles

Rather than allocating specific cars to particular employees, some employers find it preferable to operate a carpool and have a number of cars available for use by employees when they need to undertake a business journey. From a tax perspective, provided that certain conditions are met, no benefit in kind tax charge will arise where … Read more

Electricity for electric cars – a tax-free benefit

Electric cars - a tax-free benefit

Embrace electric for tax-free benefits The Government is keen to encourage drivers to make environmentally friendly choices when it comes to choosing a car. As far as the company car tax market is concerned, tax policy is used to drive behaviour, rewarding drivers choosing lower emission cars with a lower tax charge while penalising those … Read more