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Small earnings from self-employment – Tax and National Insurance implications

self-employment and small earnings

Many people earn small amounts of money from self-employment, often as a side hustle. For example, this may be from craft or baking activities, tuition, or the provision of services, such as babysitting. If you earn money in this way, it is important to understand the associated tax and National Insurance implications. Tax consequences A … Read more

Taxation of company cars in 2024/25

taxation of company cars

Taxation of company cars in 2024/25 A taxable benefit arises where an employee has the private use of a company car. Unless the car is an electric car, a further benefit arises if the employer meets the cost of fuel for private travel. Car benefit charge The amount that is charged to tax depends predominantly … Read more

New VAT thresholds – When must you register and when can you deregister?

VAT thresholds

The VAT registration threshold rose from £85,000 to £90,000 from 1 April 2024. The deregistration threshold increased from £83,000 to £88,000 from the same date. The changes in the thresholds change the trigger points for compulsory registration and optional deregistration. When must you register? You must register if your taxable turnover in the last 12 … Read more

Training costs and the self-employed

Training costs and the self-employed

A sole trader or proprietor of an unincorporated business may incur training costs. The tax treatment of those costs depends on whether the costs are regarded as ‘revenue’ or ‘capital’ expenditure. HMRC have revised their guidance in this area, expanding the range of training for which a deduction is available. Old rules Previously, HMRC only … Read more

Utilise the deduction for paid and reimbursed expenses


Employees often need to incur expenses when undertaking their jobs. The nature of the expense may vary depending on the job, but typical expenses include travel and subsistence expenses and fees and subscriptions. It will often be the case that the employee initially incurs the expense and then reclaims the cost from their employer via … Read more

Beware of gift aid clawback

Gift aid clawback

Changing personal circumstances may mean that individuals who were previously taxpayers find that they are now non-taxpayers. If they are in the habit of making charitable donations under gift aid, they need to tread carefully to avoid an unwanted bill from HMRC. Nature of gift aid Donations made by individuals to charities or to community … Read more